This page is dedicated to some of the FAQ’s we’ve received during the last couple of seasons. We hope that you find the answer that you are looking for. If you don’t, just email it to us at:
GENERAL POOL FAQ’sIs Wedgwood Pool private or public? Wedgwood Pool, also know as Wedgwood Swim Club is a private swim club.
How long has the pool been here? Since 1964.
What is your operating season? Basically the week before Memorial Day to a week after Labor Day.
How big is Wedgwood Pool? The pool is quite large. 200,000 gallons of water ranging in depth from about 6″-12′.
Is the pool heated? Yes, 84 degrees + or – depending on the weather.
Are you open for swimming in the rain? This is Seattle… of course, you’re already wet when your in the water. The only time we aren’t open is when thundershowers are in the area.
Do you offer anything other than the pool? Just the pool…no tennis or golf but we do have ping-pong!
Can I rent the pool? Pool rentals are a privilege of membership (members see below).
When will the pool close this year? TBD.
When will water aerobics start? Most likely when Seattle Public Schools are out for the summer, however with that date being very late this coming season we hope to start before then. So it’s TBD. Please note that it is very likely that moving forward we will only be offering water aerobics to our members.
How do I sell my membership? Contact the membership chairperson, Molly Martin (listed under Stemper in the pool directory) or contact the pool office we’ll put you in touch.
What is and how do I transfer to Senior Membership? After 15 years of full pool membership you are eligible to convert to senior status. Senior status costs less annually and there are some other restrictions. Contact the membership chairperson:
Can I sell my membership with my home? Currently, yes. Contact the membership chairperson:
I would like to take a leave of absence for a summer, can I do that? Yes, but there are restrictions. Contact the membership chairperson:
I want to have a party at the pool, how is that done? Parties for groups from six to twelve people (this includes both members and non-members in the total) can usually be held during regular pool hours. Parties need to be pre-arranged with the office. We schedule only one party at a time to lessen the impact on the other members using the pool. Parties are scheduled on a first come first served basis. The cost is $7.50 per person, and these do not count against the 20. If prior arrangements are not made, partygoers will be counted as regular pool guests and count as part of the allotted 20.
I want to rent the pool out, how do I go about that? The pool is sometimes available for rent when not regularly open. We can accommodate groups up to 75 people. Rates and times and availability vary, so contact the office if you are interested in finding out more.
How does one become a member of Wedgwood Pool? Well the most common way is to first get your name on the wait list. Click here for more information.
What do you offer for non-members? We offer swimming lessons and water polo for children. Please note that it is very likely that moving forward we will only be offering water aerobics to our members.
What about swim team? We have a swim team for both kids and adults but you must be a member to participate.
Is this wait list the only way to get a membership? It is the most common, however there are a couple of other ways. One way is for you to buy the house of a current pool member who is willing to sell their membership with their home. Another way is to buy or rent a home in our near neighbor area and then you would qualify for a summer near neighbor membership, however being a “near neighbor” does NOT necessarily guarantee membership. By living within the qualified near neighbor area you have the POSSIBILITY of obtaining a membership for the summer; but it’s not a sure thing, it depends on availability
What is the near neighbor area? It is an area that was created to help with mitigating some of the effects of traffic around the pool. Basically it includes all of the homes to the south of the pool for one block to NE 75th along 28th Ave NE. It also includes to the north of the pool, the homes along 28th Ave NE from the pool to NE 82nd.
But I live really close to the pool though(not in the near neighbor area) and I still have to wait? Yes, sorry that’s currently the case.
Are there any geographic boundaries for joining the club? No, those were eliminated a little more than 30 years ago to believe it or not, to help boost membership numbers.
Is the wait list really 15 years long? Pretty much yes. This year many of the people offered memberships waited 15 years and it’s likely the wait would be considerably longer for someone getting on the list now.
How many memberships are there? 295
Any thought on increasing that number? It has been talked about, but it’s not really feasible. First, the club and the near neighbors have an agreement to cap the membership at 295. Second, the pool reaches capacity on the hotter summer days. Also think about if you were a neighbor or a pool member would you want to add to the traffic and crowds that already exists?
What about limited use memberships? At this time we do not offer limited use memberships.
I used to be a member back in the “old days” is there a way I can get my membership back without waiting? Sorry to say, no.
Do you offer swimming lessons? Yes for children three and up.
How about lessons for adults? Not group lessons, but you may contact the office to arrange private lessons with an instructor.
Do you offer swimming lessons for babies? No.
I want to work at the pool, are you hiring and how do I get a job? Employment at the pool is very competitive and we usually make our staffing decisions very early. It is not uncommon for individuals to start the application process a year in advance. Please visit this link for application information.